Department Overview

Banjo, Abosede Olubunmi Ph.D

Lecturer I

HND Secretarial Studies, BSc. Mass Communication, MSc Office Information Management, PhD. Information Management; MSc. Mass Communication.


Lecturer I|HND Secretarial Studies, BSc. Mass Communication, MSc Office Information Management, PhD. Information Management; MSc. Mass Communication.






National Diploma

Research Interest

Information management, Communication, Broadcast Journalism, Distance Learning Education, IT Essential

Awards & Honours

2018 Tetfund Award of scholarship for PhD in Office and Information Technology

Teaching Areas

Office Practice, Career Development, Professional Career Development, Mass Communication Ethics, Introduction to Broadcast, Broadcast Production, Investigative and Interpretative Reporting, Radio Production Techniques, Television Production Techniques, Advanced Reporting, Conflict Reporting, International Communication, Television Production Techniques, Science and Technology Reporting, Advanced News Production, Introduction to Multimedia, Graphics Design, CISCO (IT Essential), Get Connected (CISCO)

Selected Publications

1. Ethical Problems faced by Journalists in Nigeria and the role of Media Organisations in sustaining Professional Standards. International Journal of Humanities, Literature and Art Research.Volume 2 No. 1, October. ISSN: 1116-2619 Pages 229-306, Published MEJHLAR_VOL2_NO1+(29).pdf  2023

2. Environmental Education and Media Role in Creating Awareness in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED)Volume 4 Issue 1, July Pages 22-28, Published:  2023

3. Implications of Application of the Law of Defamation in Social Media Information Dissemination. Timbou-Africa Academic Publications International Journal, February. Editions Vol.12 No.6 ISSN 2977-5745 2023

4. Impact of ICT in Journalism in the 21st Century. International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) Vol.6 Issue: October 10. 2022

5. ICT and Digital Communication in Nigeria: A Nexus Timbou-Africa Academic Publications International Journal, August. Editions Vol.10 No.6 ISSN 2977-5745. 2022

6. Road Users’ Awareness and Utilisation of Traffic Information in Abeokuta Metropolis of Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) ISSN: 2811-1567. Volume 3 – Issue 1. July. 2022

7. Relevance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities to administrative staff competence: Ogun State Local Government Service Commission in Perspective. Timbo-Africa Academic Publications International Journal, May, Editions Vol.9 No.6 ISSN 2977-5745. 2022

8. Utilisation of ICT Facilities as Correlates to competence in Ogun state Local Government Service Commission. Timbo-Africa Academic Publications International Journal, August 2021 Editions Vol.6 No.7 ISSN 2773-1040

9. Administrative Competence and service delivery in Ogun State Local Government Councils. Frontiers of Knowledge Journal series. International Journal of Management, Business and Entrepreneurship ISSN: 2636 Vol.4 Issue 2 June SRPIJ/2021/2/003

10. Awareness and Utilization of Information on Google Maps and Traffic Radio Broadcast in Ogun State. African Scholar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSS-6) VOL. 22 NO. 6 ISSN: 2110-2086 SEPTEMBER. 2021

11. View of Effective Communication as a Tool for Good Governance in Nigeria. Fepi-jopas43/19. 2021

12. Technical vocational education and training as a means for creating a production-oriented economy in Nigeria. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) ISSN: 2811-1567. Volume 1 – Issue 1. December. 202

13. Post-national Diploma industrial training and academic achievement of Higher National Diploma. TIMBO-AFRICA ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, AUGUST, 2021 EDITIONS VOL.6 NO.6 ISSN 2977-5745

14. Yoruba nationalist groups and the media: A critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies. (HS1912-016)7(12).  2020

15. Impact of economic recession on financial stability among civil servant in Ogun West Senatorial District. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) ISSN: 2811-1567. Volume 1 – Issue 1. December. 2019

16. Quality of work life and organizational commitment of non-academic staff of polytechnics in Ogun State.  Journal of Business and Education Policies, 15(1). 2019

17. An assessment of the effectiveness of e-platform for service delivery in Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. The Ilaro Journal of Management, Arts, Science & Technology, 1 (1). 2019

18. The role of the press in nascent democracy. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research Vol.5, Issue1, pp: 272-278) available  2017

Conferences Attended

1. The Promotion of Open distance and Flexible Learning in Nigeria through the Use of ICT in Technical and Vocational Education Training. Presented at the 4th International Conference of The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro in conjunction with Takoradi Technical University, Ghana. 3rd – 9th September. 2023

2. Environmental Education: Media Role in Creating Awareness in Ogun State, Nigeria. Presented at Conference Centre, University of Ghana, Ghana. January 29th -31st 2023.

3. Challenges Facing Special Needs in TVET Institutions in Southwest Nigeria. Presented at the 22nd African Conference University of Texas at Austin. March 30 – April, 2nd 2023

4. The Impact of ICT on Nigeria’s TVET’s Sustainability. Presented at the 8th International Conference and Award Ceremony. November 29-December 2nd   2022.

5. Youth unemployment and National security in Nigeria: The case of Yewa Territory. Presented at the 8th International Conference and Award Ceremony. November 29-December 2nd  2022

6. Sustainable Inclusion of the Girl-child in TVET in Ilaro City, Ogun State. Nigeria. A paper presented at the Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics Association in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe August 28th – September 3rd.  2022

7. Creating A Gender Policy and Commitment to Gender in TVET Institutions in Nigeria.  A paper presented at the Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics Association in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe August 28th – September 3rd.  2022

8. Stimulating Women's Capacity through Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) For Sustainable Development in Nigeria. A paper presented at the Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics Association in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe August 28th – September 3rd. 2022

9. Technological Innovation: Solution for Sustaining Girls’ Education in Yewa South Local Government. A paper presented at the 3rd International Conference Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. August 2022

11. Prospects and Limitations of Application of The Law of Defamation in Social Media Information Dissemination. Presented at the School of Communication Conference 2nd National Conference, School of Communication and Information Technology. The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. July. 2022

12. Significance of Traffic Content of Radio Stations and the use of Google Maps among the private vehicle owners in Ogun State. A paper presented at the National Institute of Office Administrators and Information Managers. 7th -10th February, 2022.

13. Significance of Traffic Content of Radio Stations and the use of Google Maps among the private vehicle owners in Ogun State. A paper presented at the ASUP International Conference Yaba College Technology Chapter. 2nd – 4th December. 2021

14. Awareness and Utilisation of information on Google map and Traffic radio broadcasts in Ogun state. A paper presented at the National Conference of Management, Science & Technology, Gateway ICT Polytechnic, Saapade. 13th -15th July. 2021

15. Utilisation of ICT as correlates to administrative competence in service delivery.  A paper presented at the WITED 1st International Hybrid Conference Yaba College Technology Chapter. 2nd – 4th December 2020

16. Perception of Journalists on the effectiveness of media regulatory bodies in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 2nd International Conference, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. 10th – 11th November, 2020.

17. Administrative competence and service delivery in Ogun State Local Government Council.  A paper presented at the School of Communication and Technology 1st National Conference, held 8th-9th October. 2020

18. Technical vocational education and training as a means for creating a production-oriented economy in Nigeria. 1st National WITED conference, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Chapter. 13th – 16th August 2019

19. Quality of Work Life and Organisational Commitment of Non-academic Staff of Polytechnics in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Technological Effectiveness organised by The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro 5th -8th November. 2018

20. Impact of economic recession on financial stability among civil servants in Ogun West Senatorial District. A paper presented at the School of Pure & Applied Sciences and Communication Technology, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro 4th – 7th December. 2017

Summary of Profile

So far in The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.  I have worked in two departments as a lecturer between 2017 to 2023 which were, Office Technology and Management (OTM) and Mass Communication and now Multimedia Technology.  I have had the opportunity to deliver papers at conferences both inside and outside the country alongside other academic peers. In addition, two books on broadcast journalism were co-written with two of my colleagues at the Polytechnic, and eighteen journals and twenty conferences have been produced in collaboration with colleagues. In addition, I have the honour of receiving a TETFUND Sponsorship to pursue my PhD in the field of Office Information and Management. Also participated in the grant award by the UNESCO-UNEVOC BONN AWARD for the Institution.  Furthermore, I have participated in fourteen seminars and workshops both within and outside the Institution and also worked as the Department's Examination Officer from 2022 to 2024 and part of several committees in the Institution.

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