Campus Tour

The lifestyle of students on the campus, their activities, routines, and academic endeavors.

Campus Tour

The lifestyle of students on the campus, their activities, routines, and academic endeavors.

Highlighting the Lifestyle inside Federal Poly Ilaro

Our mantra

At the same time, life cannot be treated in a piece-meal manner. Life has to progress as a whole. You cannot leave the body behind, and live merely for the mind. Similarly, you cannot leave the spirit behind, and live merely for the body. All three – Body, Mind and Spirit (or Soul) have to be carried together. As a human being, it is our responsibility to achieve this balance.


The way of life

Living for the mind implies access to good, thought-provoking books and time to read them, opportunity for travel, for intellectual activities, for observation and analysis, for appreciating works of art, music and beauty. The human mind requires freedom to think creatively and manifest his dreams into reality.

The best way to tell a story

At the same time, life cannot be treated in a piece-meal manner. Life has to progress as a whole.

Common Questions

How do i find way around Ilaro Campus?

Our campus is divided into 4 campuses, which comprises of west, east, south and north, with landmarks like love wing, admin area, market, blue rook and glass house.

How do i find way around Ilaro North Campus?

Our campus is divided into 4 campuses, which comprises of west, east, south and north, with landmarks like love wing, admin area, market, blue rook and glass house.