Principal Technologist|ND, HND, B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
Civil Engineering
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Geotechnics, Highway/Transportation and Concrete and Material
Teaching Areas
Civil Engineering Construction I, II, III
Selected Publications
1. Akinboboye F.A.O. et al (2015) “Comparison of The Compressive Strength of Concrete Produced Using Sand from Different Sources” International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJ-ARBSS)
2. Akinboboye F.A.O. et al (2010) “The Use of Run-Off Sharp Sand as a Partial Replacement for River Source Sharp Sand in the Production of Sand Crete Block”
Conferences Attended
1. Ayegbusi O.A. et.al (2019) “Next level Agenda: Engineers and Challenges of Infrastructural Development” A paper presented at the 1st National Conference of Women in Technical Education & Employment (WITED) Ilaro Chapter
2. Adegbesan O.O. et.al (2019) “Investigating the Upgrading of Non- Pozzolans with Pozzolanic Waste Materials” A paper presented (iSTEAMS) Technological Renaissance for Innovations & Productivity (TRIP) Conference at Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State
3. Adegbesan O.O and Ayegbusi O.A. (2018) “Performance of Rural Earth Roads with Wearing Course of Sand Irrigated with Salt Water Solution” A Paper Presented at the First International Conference of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Ogun State
4. Akinboboye F.A.O. et.al (2015) “Comparison of The Compressive Strength of Concrete produced Using Sand from Different Sources” A Paper Presented at the 5th National Conference of the School of Environmental Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
5. Adegbesan O.O. et al (2012) “Vision 20:2020: Engineers Challenges in achieving Infrastructural Development” A Paper Presented at the 2nd National Conference of the School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
6. Adegbesan O.O. et al (2010) “Comparison between the Engineering Properties of Laterite &Anthill soil” A Paper Presented at the 1st National Conference of the School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
7. Akinboboye F.A.O. et.al (2010) “The Use of Run-Off Sharp Sand as a Partial Replacement for River Source Sharp Sand in the Production of Sand Crete Block” A