Staff & Personnel In Nutrition and Dietetics

Staff & Personnel In Nutrition and Dietetics
Department Overview

Alaba Kikelomo Elizabeth

Lecturer I

ND ( Food Technology), BSc. (Home Science Management), MSc. (Hospitality and Tourism)


Lecturer I|ND ( Food Technology), BSc. (Home Science Management), MSc. (Hospitality and Tourism)




Nutrition and Dietetics


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Community Nutrition

Teaching Areas

Food & Beverage production Mgt I, II, III, IV, V

Selected Publications

Alaba K.E (2018) A Sensory Evaluation of Nutritional contents of selected Local dishes in Ogun state Nigeria. Niotour vol.6 2018 pg1-15

Alaba K.E (2018) Assessment of Nutrition Education knowledge among Primary School Teachers in Ilaro Ogun State. Niotour Vol 6 2018 pp 395-403

Alaba K.E (2018) The Evaluation of Proximate Composition and Sensory Properties of selected Local dishesin Osun State RIND Vol 3 no 4$5 2018 pp 337-352.

Alaba K.E (2018) Influence of Nutrition Education on Dietary Pattern and Eating Habit among female students of  the Federal Polytechnics Ilaro NJTA Vol 18, 2018 pp 145-154

Conferences Attended

Alaba K.E and Adewunmi H.O (2019) Proximate Qualities of Commonly Consumed Traditional Dishes in South West Nigeria. Presented at an International Inter- Tertiary Multidisplinary Conference in Collaboration of with  (ASUP) The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Chapter,Ogun State,Nigeria. . Held from 9th-11thJune,2019

Alaba K.E and Adewunmi H.O (2018)Encouraging Vocational Education Teachers towards the teaching and learning of crafts in Senior Secondary Schools.. Presented at the 3rd National Conference of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) zone C, Ado-Ekiti,  Ekiti State Nigeria. Held from 27th-30th  August,2018

Adewunmi H.O and Alaba K.E (2018) Assessment of Consumption Pattern towards Overweight of Senior Secondary School Adolescent. Presented at the First International Conference of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Ogun State Nigeria. Held from 5th-8thNovember,2018

Adewunmi H.O and Alaba K.E (2018) Assessment of Awareness of Overweight among Senior Secondary School Adolescent living in Ilaro, Ogun state. Presented at the Family and Consumer Sciences Society OF Nigeria 7thAnnual Conference. Held from 5th-8thNovember,2018 Held at Obafemi Awolowo University ,Ile Ife.

Alaba K.E and Adewunmi H.O (2017) Dietary Pattern and Nutritional status of Adolescent in Private Secondary Schools in Ilaro. Presented at the First Joint Conference of the School of Pure &Applied Sciences andCommunication& Information Technology .The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Ogun State Nigeria. Held from 4th-7thDecember, 2017.

Alaba K.E and Adewunmi H.O (2016) Repositioning Nutrition Education as central to Dietary Pattern and Eating Habits of female students of Federal Polytechnic Ilaro. Presented at the 5thNational Conference of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) Ilaro Chapter.Held from 16th-19th October, 2016.

Summary of Profile

Pedagogically trained teacher who uses proficiency and methodology in impacting knowledge, a formidable character destined for excellence.

A  National Diploma graduate of Food Science and Technology Department, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro (2000), because of my insatisfiable quest for knowledge I proceeded to the Federal University of Agriculture,Abeokuta (FUNAAB) where I  obtained Bsc. In Nutrition and Dietetics in 2004. I got employment with the Ogun State Teaching Service Commission in 2007. In order to cross from auxiliary to professional teacher, I went to Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode, where I obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and became a pedagogically trained teacher. I later proceeded to Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, where  I obtained Msc. In Hospitality and Tourism Mgt. between 2009 and 2011Academic Session.

A present staff of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State Nigeria.

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