Staff & Personnel In Food Technology

Staff & Personnel In Food Technology
Department Overview

Alokun, Omotayo Aderonke

Lecturer III

BSc. MSc.(Food Technology)


Lecturer III|BSc. MSc.(Food Technology)




Food Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Diversification of fruits into flour , Adding Values to root, tubers and cereals, Improving and increasing Under-utilized fruits Product, Improving and increasing Under-utilized root and tubers Improving Post Harvest Lost and Handling in Nigeria, Adding values to Local candies and Snacks in Nigeria

Awards & Honours

M.Tech Scholarship grant, National Food Security Research Grant for Centre of Excellent (Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria (STEP-b)

Teaching Areas

Food Plant Sanitation and Design, Food Quality Control (Plant Option), Introduction to Biochemical Engineering, Processing and Preservation of Plant Product, Processing and Preservation of Animal product, Introduction to Food Analysis I, Food Analysis II, Introduction to Food Packaging, Food Science and Nutrition, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition

Selected Publications

Makanjuola O.M and Alokun O.A (2019). Microbial and Physicochemical Properties of Date Jam with Inclusion of Apple and Orange Fruits. Journal of Food Science. Vol. 4(3): 102-106pp.

Makanjuola O.M and Alokun O.A (2019). Influenced of Malted Sorghum on   the Acceptability of Composite Bread. Journal for Applied Tropical Agriculture, Vol 24(No 1):188-190pp.

Conferences Attended

Alokun O.A. andOlojede R.W (2018). Effect of Apple and Orange Peel   on the Proximate Properties of Date Jam.

Makanjuola O.Mand Alokun O.A (2018).Microbial and Physicochemical  Properties of Date Jam with Inclusion of Apple.

Makanjuola O.M and Alokun O.A. (2018).The Influence of Malted Sorghum   on the Production and the Acceptability of Composite Bread.

Makanjuola O.M and Alokun O. A. (2017). Effect of Variety on Proximate Composition of Potato Flour.

Alokun O.A. (2017). Physiocochemical Properties and Acceptability of Ginger   Spiced ‘Kokoro’ with Full Fat Soy Bean (Glycin max).

Adewumi, B.A and Alokun, O.A (2009). Storage qualities of cashew juice in  ambient and refrigerate environment.

Summary of Profile

Omotayo Aderonke Alokun, is a young, vibrant, hardworking and versatile a graduate of Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State where she obtain her 1st and 2nd Degree (B.Tech and M.Tech in Food Science and Technology). She is a lecturer of Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, in the department of Food Technology in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, where she lectures student on courses like Food Plant Sanitation and Design, Processing and Preservation of Plant Product, Processing and Preservation of Animal product, Food Analysis I & II, Food Packaging, Food Science and Nutrition just to mention few, she has also supervised project and seminars undertaken by student. She’s passionate about her research and product development so as to reduce the post-harvest loss of our foods due to improper handling which has led to food insecurity in our country the world at lager. Also to impact the world positively by continuing developing our indigenous food and improving on agricultural produce through research, develop machineries, improve our indigenous snack and candies, enlighten her community, Africa and the world. A member of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) and Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)

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