Staff & Personnel In Food Technology

Staff & Personnel In Food Technology
Department Overview

Noah, Abimbola Aduke

Principal Lecturer

BSc. MSc.(Microbiology)


Principal Lecturer|BSc. MSc.(Microbiology)




Food Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Food Microbiology and Biotechnology

Awards & Honours

Honorary Award of Excellence as Departmental Course Adviser, (HND II), 2012-2014

Teaching Areas

Introduction to Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Food Plant Sanitation, Advanced Food Microbiology,  Industrial Microbiology

Selected Publications

Noah, A.A., and Oduwobi O.O., (2018). Comparative Assessment on Microbial and Sensory Quality of Tigernut Milk treated with two chemical preservative. Journal of Medical and Biological Science 8(4):1-12.

Noah, A.A., (2018). Production, Nutrient and Sensory Qualities of Biscuits Produced From Wheat-Coconut-Almond Flour Blend. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 3(6):302-306.

Noah, A.A., and Ogunfowote, O.O., (2017). Microbial Qualities of Raw and Boiled and Fermented Bread nut Seed (Artocarpus camansi) used as Condiment. Journal of Advances in Microbiology6(3):1-9.

Noah. A.A., (2017). Microbial Quality Assessment of Fruit Juice Produced from Two Varieties of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). American Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology4(6):91-96.

Noah, A.A., (2017). Production, Microbial and Sensory Quality of Biscuit Produced from Wheat Coconut Almond Flour Blend. International Journal of Foods Science and Nutrition 2(6):135-138.

Noah A.A., (2017). Nutrient Composition And Sensory Evaluation of Complementary Food Made From Maize, Plantain, Soya Bean Blends.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(12):5421 – 5428.

Noah., A.A and Oduwobi, O.O., (2016). Comparative Assessment of the microbial and Nutritional Qualities of Wara (Cheese) Produced from Cow Milk and Soybean Milk. International Journal of Science and Advanced Innovative Research1(2):11-21.

Noah., A.A., and Abiaziem, C.V., (2016). Effect of Drying Method of the Microbial, Proximate and Sensory Quality of Okra (Albemoscus esculentus). Journal of Medical and Biological Science. 6(2):1-10.

Noah, A.A., Faparusi, F. and Oduwobi, O. O., (2013). Antibacterial Assessment of Crude Oil Extract from Ackee Apple’s Aril. Journal of Medical and Biological Science 3(2):33 – 38.

Noah, A.A., Alechenu, J. O., Abiaziem, C.V. and Oduwobi O.O., (2013). Comparative Studies of Wine Produced from Pawpaw Juice & Coconut Milk at Different Proportions. Current Research in Nutrition & Food Science1(2) Pp.131 – 137.

Conferences Attended

Noah, A.A. and Adebisi, K..A., (2019).Microbial Quality and Sensory Evaluation of Akara Produced from Bambara Flour and Cowpea Blend. Paper presented at Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) Western chapter, held on the 10-11  June 2019 at Nigeria Stored Products Research Institute  Ilorin, Kwara.

Noah, A.A. and Alagamba, .E. A,, (2019). Comparative Quality Evaluation On Nutritional,Microbial and Sensory Quality of  Roasted Cashew Nuts. Paper Presented at the 16th ISTEAMS International Conference collaboration with ASUP held on 9-11 June 2019 at The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

Noah, A.A. and Lawal, A.O., (2018). Effect of Pasteurization on the Physicochemical, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Watermelon Juice. Paper Presented at the First International Conference and Exhibition on Technological Innovation and Global Competiveness held at The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, November 5-8, 2018.

Noah, A.A. (2018). Production, Microbial and Sensory Qualities of Moinmoin Produced from Bambara and Red Kidney Bean. Paper Presented at the 43rd International Conference and General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), Abeokuta, October 15-18, 2018.

Noah, A.A. (2017). Microbial Assessment of Kunu ZakiBeverage Made from Millet & Sorghum Treated with Extract of Aframomum melegueta.Paper Presented at National Conference of Science Technology and Communication (SPACIT) Dec 4th – 7th,  2017.

Makunjuola, O. M. and Noah A.A., (2017). Effect of Sweeteners and Fruit flavours on the Sensory characteristic or Yoghurt produced from fresh cow’s milk. A paper presented at Nigerian institute of food science and technology (NIFST). Western chapter held on the 6 – 7thjune 2017 at S. A. J. Ibikunle 800 Seaters hall school of science and technology Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta.

Noah, A.A., (2016). Production and Sensory Evaluation of Wara Cheese Produced from Cow milk and Soya bean Milk a Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of Nigeria Society for Microbiology held at UNILAG on 7th -8th November 2016.

Makanjuola, O.M, Ajayi, A. and Noah, A.A., (2016). Physico-Chemical Analysis of Borehole Water Aroung Cement Factories in Nigeria. A Paper presented at the 40th Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Annual conference and General Meeting Held at Kano. 6-10 October 2016.

Noah, A.A., and Makanjuola, O.M., (2016). Effect of Boiling and Frying on the Microbial Safety of Giant African Land Snail (Achatina fulica). A Paper Presented at the 1st International Faculty of Science Conferences (FASCON) Held at Lead City University International Conference Centre.

Oduwobi, O. O. and Noah, A.A., (2015). Indigenous Use of Charcoal in the Control of Mosquito Larva. A Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of Nigeria Society for Microbiology held at UNILAG on 1st -5th September, 2015.

Summary of Profile

Noah Abimbola Aduke obtained a B.Sc in Microbiology from Ogun State University and M.Sc in Microbiology from the University of Lagos. She has lectured both in College of Education and Polytechnic for a number of years. She has not only been involved in classroom teaching butalso had working experience in the Food and Beverage Industry.During her years of academic career, sheattended and presented technical papers in several International Conferences, Workshops and Seminars. A number of her research have been published in reputable journals. She is a seasoned lecturer and researcher. Her teaching experience spansclose totwo decades. She is currently a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Food Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro,Ogun State. She is married with children.

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